Home Noticias The rise of Aliança Catalana: the strengths that drive Silvia Orriols

The rise of Aliança Catalana: the strengths that drive Silvia Orriols


1. Catalan Radical Nationalism and Identity Defense

  • Strong point: AC advocates immediate unilateral independence, without negotiations or pacts with Spain, which attracts independent voters disenchanted with the moderation of Junts and ERC following the “process”. His motto “Salvem Catalunya” appeals to a Catalan identity in danger, linking cultural survival and lingÃ1⁄4ística to total secession.
  • Attractive: In the face of the perception that Junts and ERC have “traicionado” the independence dream with pacts such as the amnesty or the investiture of Illa, AC offers a pure message and without concessions. This resonates in rural areas and hysterical fiefdoms of sovereignty (Girona, Lleida), where it obtained 9% and 7.7% in the elections of 2024.
  • Example: They propose to expel “every Spanish” from Cataluña, including Spanish as a vehicular language, and prioritize native Catalans in public and private employment, reinforcing a feeling of “first home”.

2. Immigration and Security: Beyond the Regulatory

  • Strong point: AC not only asks for strict regulation (migration moratorium, deportation of illegals and criminals), but also links immigration to the insecurity and “desnaturalization” of Cataluña. His narrative blames the immigrants of crime, the saturation of services and the loss of Catalan.
  • Attractive: It capitalizes the discomfort after events like the 2017 attacks in Ripoll, where Orriols is mayor, and the increase of crimes in popular neighborhoods. His proposal of “zero tolerance” to islemic radicalism and the expulsion of foreign prisoners (50% of the IDESCAT population) connects with voters concerned with security.
  • Variance: Unlike Vox, AC frames immigration as a threat to the Catalan identity, not just Spanish, which allows it to capture independentists who reject the unionist discourse.

3. Energy and Economic Independence

  • Strong point: AC proposes energy sovereignty with nuclear mini-rectors and an “industrial nationalism” that protects Catalan companies against foreign “dumping.” They also advocate for a neoliberal model: lower taxes, reduce public spending and create a sovereign fund to buy stratified companies.
  • Attractive: This approach seduces a conservative and business electorate who sees in Spain a ” fiscal gap” (20 billion annually, according to AC) and in globalizing a threat to the local economy. The promise of re-industry and self-sufficiency appeals to the working class and small entrepreneurs affected by deindustry.
  • Context: At a time of European energy crisis and agrarian protests (such as the “Passa Round”), AC aligns with the defense of the primary sector and self-sufficiency, gaining rural support.

4. Islamophobia as Identitarian Axis

  • Strong point: AC not only criticizes immigration in general, but focuses its discourse on Islam, which it considers “incompatible with the West”. Proposals such as banning the burka, closing mosques and eliminating the Eid al-Adha reinforce their image of defenders of a “West and Christian Cataluña”.
  • Attractive: This message exploits theoriah as the “great replacement” and resonates in communities that associate Islam with insecurity after the 2017 attacks. Orriols, self-proclaimed “islamÃ3foba”, presents it as a “must” to protect Catalan values, attracting radicalized voters.
  • Impact: Although it polarizes, this speech gives a median visibility and gives a niche no echo in other independent parties, more progressive in the social.

5. Populism and Refuse to the Establishment

  • Strong point: AC is presented as an alternative to the Catalan and Spanish establishment, criticizing PSC, Junts and ERC for “tercermundizing” Cataluña with warm policies. Its direct and filterless tone, led by Orriols, connects with the frustration of those who see traditional parties as elitist or corrupt.
  • Attractive: Take advantage of the high abstention (as in 2024) and the protest vote of Junts, CUP and abstentionists. His success in Ripoll (33% in 2023) demonstrates his ability to mobilize disenchanted local bastions.
  • Strategy: They use social networks and a visceral discourse to amplify their message, avoiding traditional means that accuse them of censoring them.

6. Family Defense and Traditional Values

  • Strong point: AC promotes Catalan births with a Family Development Secretariat, against what they call “migration invaders”. They defend a model of society based on Catholic and traditional values, rejecting festivities such as the April Fair or the tauromaquia by “Spanishists”.
  • Attractive: This appeals to conservative voters who see in immigration and multiculturalism a threat to their lifestyle. Orriols, with five children, embodies this ideal of “strong Catalan family”.
  • Contrast: Although they defend LGTBI rights as an anti-islamist flag, their social conservatism distinguishes them from ERC or Comuns progression.

7. Local end as Platform

  • Strong point: Orriols’ gestiÃ3n in Ripoll, where she won the mayor’s office in 2023 with 31% and applied measures such as withdrawing only Spain’s symbols, serves as a tangible proof of her speech. This gives them credibility as a practical force, not only rhetoric.
  • Attractive: His victory in Ripoll and other municipalities (Les Llosses, Campdevà nol) shows that they can govern and apply their agenda, which inspires confidence in voters of small towns where sovereignty is strong.

Extended angiosis

The success of AC is due to its ability to mix radical independence with European ultra-right issues such as anti-immigration, security and nativism, adapting them to Catalan reality. Its impressive jump of 1,806 votes in the municipalities from 2023 to 118,000 in the autonomics of 2024 (3.78%) shows how they have managed to capture the discontented vote, especially in the rural and conservative areas where Junts and ERC are losing strength. However, their Islamophobic and xenophobic stance makes it difficult for them to form alliances with other parties, limiting their role to one of disruptive opposition.

In short, in addition to addressing issues such as immigration, security, energy and economic independence, and Islamophobia, AC also attracts votes thanks to its intransigent nationalism, its anti-air populism, its defense of traditional values and its achievements at the local level. These strengths allow them to take advantage of the fissures within independence and social discontent, projecting a growth that the CEO estimates in 6-7 seats if the elections are repeated today.