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Like losing 20 kg in a short time mixing diet and exercise.


Losing 20 kg in a short period without compromising your health requires a balanced approach, discipline and a touch of realism. Although “short time” can mean different things for each person (the ideal thing would be to point to a safe and sustainable loss in a range of 6 to 12 months), here I bring you a detailed analysis that includes an effective diet, an hour-to-day exercise routine and some strategies to avoid the fearful bounce effect. The key is to maintain a healthy calorie day, which oscillates between 500 and 1000 calories a day, which will allow you to lose between 0.5 and 1 kg a week, all adapted to your initial weight, metabolism and activity level.

Part 1: How to lose 20 kg without risk

Healthy and effective diet

  • Basic principles:
    • Culinary: It counts less heat than you burn, but without falling below 1200-1500 daily heat (most for physical nutrition, according to WHO).
    • Balanced number: 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, 30% healthy fats to maintain energy and muscle mass.
    • Hydration: 2-3 liters of water a day to support metabolism and reduce retention of liquids.
  • Plan of meals (e.g. for 1800 heat/day):
    • Breakfast (400 lime): 2 eggs scrambled with spinach (120 lime), 1 slice of bread (80 lime), 1 small avocado (200 lime).
    • Snack (150 lime): 1 apple (95 lime) + 10 almonds (55 lime).
    • Lunch (500 lime): 150 g grilled chicken breast (165 lime), 1 cup cooked quinoa (220 lime), 1 cup steam broccoli (55 lime), 1 tablespoon olive oil (60 lime).
    • Snack (150 lime): 1 natural Greek yogurt (100 lime) + 1 teaspoon of chia seeds (50 lime).
    • Dinner (600 lime): 150 g oven salt (250 lime), 1 medium roasted potatoes (130 lime), mixed salad with 1 tablespoon oil (120 lime).
    • Total: ~1800 cal, adjustable according to your caloric expense (calculate your TMB with an app like MyFitnessPal).
  • Why it works:
    • High protein: Preserves muscle (1.6-2.2 g/kg bw) Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2017).
    • Fiber: Vegetables and whole grains sacian and regulate the sugar, avoiding hunger peaks.
    • Good fat: Avocado, olive oil and nuts keep hormones balanced.
  • Practical tips:
    • Eat every 3-4 hours to avoid cravings.
    • Reduces refined and processed sugar (fresh, white bread); replaces with complex fruits and carbohydrates.
    • Pay 1 time per week (day/time) to measure progress without obsessing.

Physical exercise: 1 hour a day

  • Objective: Burn 300-500 heat per se, combine heart and strength to maximize fat loss and maintain muscle.
  • Weekly routine (5-6 days, 1 hour/day):
    • Day 1: Cardio (30 min) + Force (30 min):
      • Cardio: Correr/caminar quick (6-8 km/h, burn ~250 cal).
      • Strength: Chairs (3×15), flexions (3×10), iron (3×30 seg), light weights if you have (bíceps/tríceps).
    • Day 2: HIIT (45 min) + Strings (15 min):
      • HIIT: 20 seconds of burpees, 40 seconds rest (10 rounds), then sprints (30 seg/1 min rest, 8 rounds). Burns ~400 lime.
      • Stretching: Basic Yoga for Recovery.
    • Day 3: Total strength (60 min):
      • Circuit: Weights or body weight (lunges, row with water bottle, shoulder press), 4×12 each.
    • Day 4: moderate cardio (60 min):
      • Bike, elliptical or quick hike (60-70% maximum cardiac frequency, ~350 lime).
    • Day 5: HIIT + Core (60 min):
      • HIIT (such as Day 2) + abdominal exercises (side plank, cronches, 3×15).
    • Day 6 (optional): Fun activity (bailar, swimming, ~300 cal).
    • Day 7: Active rest (lighter, 30 min).
  • Why it works:
    • Cardio: It burns immediate heat.
    • Force/HIIT: Increases the basal metabolism (as much heat burned at rest), according to Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2011).
    • Consistency: 1 hour a day is manageable and accumulates 2000-3000 burnt weekly lime.
  • Practical tips:
    • Start according to your level (walk if you are a beginner, run if you have experience).
    • Use a watch or app (Fitbit, Strava) to measure heat and progress.
    • Listen to your body: if you feel exhausted, reduce intensity, do not last.

Estimated time and security

  • Healthy rhythm: Loss 0.5-1 kg per week is secure (500-1000 cal/día). For 20 kg, you need 20-40 weeks (5-10 months).
  • No risk:
    • Avoid extreme deficits (≤200 lime) that cause fatigue, muscle loss or hormonal imbalances.
    • Ask a doctor if you have pre-existing conditions (diabetes, thyroid).
  • Alert signs: Dizziness, extreme weakness, or decreased /20051.5 kg/week indicate that you must adjust (more food or less exercise).

Part 2: How to maintain the weight and avoid the bounce effect

The bounce effect occurs when you regain weight after a rapid loss due to extreme diets or lack of sustainable habits. Here are the key strategies:

1. Gradual transition

  • How: Once you reach your goal, increase heat (100-200 lime/week) to your maintenance level (TMB + activity). Example: 1800 to 2200 lime in 1 month.
  • Why?: Avoid metabolic shock that triggers appetite or fat storage.

2. Keep exercise as a habit

  • How: Reduces to 4-5 days/week (45-60 min), but do not eliminate it. Combines light cardio (walking) and strength to preserve muscle.
  • Why?: The more heat burns at rest (5-10 cal/kg/day) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2016).

3. Control portions, not food

  • How: Keep eating what you like, but use small dishes and prioritise proteína/fibra to satisfy yourself with less.
  • Why?: Strict restrictions lead to atracons; moderation is sustainable.

4. Monitor your weight regularly

  • How: Pay once a week. If you climb 0.5-1 kg, adjust slightly (less carbohydrates or +15 min of exercise).
  • Why?: Detecting early changes prevents large accumulations.

5. Handle the waitress and the dream

  • How: Sleep 7-8 hours and use techniques such as meditation or walks to reduce cortisol (hormone that favors fat).
  • Why?: Stress and lack of dreams increase cravings and slow metabolism.

Extended angiosis

  • Effectiveness: Combining diet (1800 lime) and exercise (400 lime burnt) creates a ~800 lime/déficia (5600 cal/semana = 0.7-0.8 kg). In 6-8 months, you reach 20 kg if you’re constant.
  • Sustainability: You do not remove food groups or extenuate cardio, which reduces the risk of abandonment or injury.
  • Risks: Impascience could tempt you to cut more heat or increase exercise, giving your health. Keep the pace recommended.


If you want to lose 20 kg safely within 6 to 12 months, you may follow a balanced diet that contains between 1800 and 2000 heat, rich in proteins and fiber. Also, it is essential that you do an hour of exercise each day, combining cardio and strength training. As you move forward, move slowly towards a maintenance phase, always with constant monitoring and active habits. Start by adjusting your food and spend 30 minutes walking; then, see increasing intensity over time.